Snowpark Kaunertal & its events reach cult status
The Kaunertal Glacier is a “place to be” in the snowboard and freestyle scene. The Kaunertal Glacier ski area has identified with this trend sport for over 30 years and has set standards for the setup of the snow park and the tradition of the now legendary events.

OCT - DEZ // Fallruns at Snowpark Kaunertal
The autumn season in the Snowpark Kaunertal is heralded by the cult event KTO. During the fall runs there is the longest jibline in the Alps, the nature run and many small, fine side events in the snow park.

APR - MAY // Spring Classics at Snowpark Kaunertal
Spring – the most beautiful time on the glacier. Slushy snow, sunshine and a different event every weekend – these are the Spring Classics on the Kaunertal Glacier.